Wednesday, April 20, 2016

currently ready to upgrade the educational

Teachers in kindergartens educate and have the courage to innovate the methods and procedures in the context of the school education of children, but they need a helping hand. "The technical equipment is a matter of their founders, we provide educators with particular methodological support.

We have released the second part of the publication School game and set up nine Methodological center for preschool education in the regions, where the days of methodical of catchment areas. The sooner children gain experience with the use of digital equipment, satisfied about it, it's not just toys and how to use them to discover new knowledge, the easier it will be for their move to first class, "he says in an interview, for primary and pre-primary education nonprofit Educational.

If we are aware of the importance of support and development of school education, which is based on trying to move itself and in the awareness that children are prepared for the future. In other words, we are ready, if we have the will to change something. From conversations with hundreds of teachers attending our seminars, I know that they have the will and desire to further educate and also courage, give innovation space. In my opinion, however, teachers need a helping hand along the way.

Hand in hand should go the material support of the founders, in terms of equipment, with the further education of teachers in pre-school education – an efficient and above all, practically oriented. It is necessary to expand their pedagogical terms on other innovative methods and procedures. Let's show them how to use the potential of modern tools to your advantage on the way to fulfilling the educational objectives.

Paradoxically, actually we're going back to the past, to the ideas of j. a. meeting on direct children of the fact, with the need to respect individual peculiarities, we support the idea of occasions children spontaneously explore and discover, play ... The modern trend is according to me the hard body and generations in the spirit of an authenticated basis to reflect the needs of society and the exploitation of the potential of the current AIDS to the natural, efficient and at the same time with the practice of the linked training.

Preschool period is very important for the development of the child. The child begins to build a lifetime position and relationship to education. It is essential for the company to raise a generation that will be able to thrive in a constantly accelerating the time, requesting creative and flexible's experts in various fields. This requirement should reflect the just in the occasions in which children receive in kindergarten. Interactive cognitive process is the ideal way. Modern trends of each period and the most successful are those which integrate things functioning properly authenticated.

dragged the new options. Our time brings opportunities especially in the extremely fast developing technologies. Their educational potential is significant both in terms of motivation, so in the area of individualization, but also – and this dimension is not yet appreciated, in the area of communication. Here is a very substantial methodological guidance teacher.

The principle of the integration of modern educational tools fills the idea about the suitability of the methods the and cooperative learning game, based on the direct experience of the child, supporting the children's curiosity. Allow our children to develop naturally, in context with what surrounds them. With our assistance, not in thrall to our sometimes age or environment loaded with ideas.

the current time is approaching the completion of the third part, which I have the great pleasure. Methodology for nursery schools there are on the professional level. Methodology in the broader concept, as it is processed by a game, actually missed the kindergarten, which are teachers that participate in our workshops, are confirmed. Her contribution is mainly in the fact that it is processed according to the and it not only in terms of expected outputs, but primarily in the overall concept taking into account just the coherent integration of the individual educational areas. We formed a new thematic sections, which connect the educational area peacefully and reflect the natural life of the children.

The publication is its processing of the usable for each teacher. It is a wide range of ideas for activities during the day, it is one of the strengths of our processing. A coherent offer of activities includes the always and the so-called digital playground. Here lies another bonus, and that is the coding system, which can also use digital materials less technically savvy teacher.

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